EGI美国西海岸机房, 独立主机高达七折优惠
Energy Group Networks LLC - offers best Dedicated Servers with 24x7 support. Our network offers optimized routes to Asia. 最佳独立主机提供24x7支持,优化美国到亚洲网络。
To become RESELLER contact us via: 代理商请联系
To know more about our Reseller Program - 代理商优惠信息
* We offer many reseller tiers and here are few features of our highest level tier *
Upto 30% discount for servers over $100 100美金以上机型有高达七折优惠10% discount for servers under $100 100美金一下机型有百分之十优惠Wide range of IPV4 at low pricing ($0.35/IP) IP最底0.35m美金/个Free OS reinstalls and IPKVM 免费提供系统重装及IPMI KVM1 Hour free admin services every month 每月1小时免费服务器高级技术支持Free VPS & Media library for ISOs 免费系统镜像模板
San Jose Speedtest:圣何塞测试IP链接
Looking Glass 2 - Asia Optimized -
ARIN IP addresses with different A and B class ranges available.
- Competitive pricing for proxy, vpn, seo and VPS use可用于代理、VPN、SEO或者VPS等服务
-rDNS, swip/whois, and LOA provided 提供域名反解析,SWIP/WHOIS记录及LOA
-12 months contract required.租约一年起
- No Email Marketing or excessive abuse complaints.不能用于发送任何形式的营销或者垃圾邮件
- Dedicated server and Colocation in San Jose, Miami, or Zurich,
Switzerland available 同时提供美国圣何塞、迈阿密,欧洲苏黎世和瑞士的独立服务器及托管服务